12 reasons to use Kotlin for Android development in 2025
Kotlin is one of the most convenient programming languages for Android applications. It is an open-source language that the developers can easily use with Java Virtual Machine. Because of its amazing features, Kotlin is easy for any app developer to use.
Since 2017, Google has been using Kotlin to develop different Android apps. It is as popular as Java and C++ languages. A survey from 2021 says that Kotlin is the third most popular programming language for Android development worldwide. This blog lists the best reasons to use Kotlin Android developer.
Top reasons to make Kotlin a main language for Android app development
Kotlin is an excellent programming language used by many Android app developers. It was originally founded by JetBrains a few years ago. Some of the top companies around the globe use Kotlin as a software development service to develop their business apps with rich features. The main reasons to use Kotlin are listed as follows:
Works easily with Android studio
A reason to use Kotlin is its easy integration with Android Studio. Kotlin developers can easily develop different kinds of Android apps using it. It is also easy for developers to learn the basics and advanced features of the Kotlin language.
The Kotlin language can be used with several other tools, such as Syntax Highlighters and Refactoring. Developers can convert Java projects into Kotlin parts using this language. Moreover, using it is comfortable for an organization's working teams.
Easy coding procedure
This is one of the biggest advantages of the Kotlin language. Java creates repetitive codes while developing any Android app. It is also a time-consuming task to write many lines of code for developing an app. On the other hand, Kotlin offers an easier coding process than Java. It has fewer lines of code to develop an app. Developers don't have to spend many weeks developing an app with Kotlin with an easy coding process.
Kotlin creates readable code with precise syntax. Developers can benefit from using Kotlin to develop an app. They can catch errors immediately and achieve a speedy rate of production.
Open-source platform
Many novices and skilled developers use Kotlin, an open-source programming language. They do not have to purchase licenses or fees to access the source code, making it one of the easiest languages for beginners and experienced developers.
This language has a large community, which helps improve libraries and tools. This community provides good customer support and improves coding—libraries in the Kotlin language speed up the app development process.
In addition, the open-source platform's features help any developer enhance features. Bug reports and fixes make this language more efficient for app development.
Good environment
Kotlin is the perfect tool for many developers and professionals. It means that developers can easily work with this programming language. Kotllin has easy plugins that make it comfortable with Java and other programming languages. It was used widely in both Alpha and Beta versions for several projects.
Safe programming language
Kotlin is a safer option than Java and other programming languages. It offers many advantages to developers, including stability and convenience, which can reduce errors while developing an app.
Developers can detect small or large errors while developing an app using Kotlin. They can also easily understand the code. This programming language is safe and easy to use for app development.
Code sharing feature
Kotlin simplifies code sharing between several platforms and reduces the complexity of coding procedures when developing several apps. It also helps developers easily develop apps on various operating systems. App developers can use this programming language with systems such as Nougat and Marshmallow.
Ability to work with Java language
What special feature of Kotlin android developer makes developers choose it for app development? It can run with Java on several projects. Developers can use the different features of the Kotlin language in any Java project.
Kotlin facilitates using its code with Java code. Developers can mix and match codes according to their app development needs and convert Java codes into Kotlin codes.
Nice speed
This language offers a higher speed than other languages. It is an open-source platform that can be used on Android, web, iOS, and various other systems.
Kotlin helps identify errors in the process and solve them within some time. Developers will no longer face security issues after using the Kotlin language to develop an app. It contains a special compiler that gives feedback on vulnerabilities. This language clears unwanted resources. Kotlin reduces memory leaks and other bugs.
Multi-platform language
This programming language can work with many platforms. It allows developers to develop apps for various platforms with fewer lines of code in other languages.
It has many libraries to make customized Android apps with different features. These APIs and libraries decrease time and create more engaging apps for the Android platform.
It contains the feature of cross-platform development feature. This feature removes the need to learn different programming languages to create an Android app.
The simple process of Android development
Because of its simple features, Kotlin is easy for app developers to use as a software development service. Those who know Java can easily learn Kotlin within a few weeks.
Kotlin helps develop feature-rich Android apps for various companies. Some features in Java and Kotlin are similar so that apps can be developed easily. The library for writing Kotlin apps is tiny and does not increase the method count.
Low development cost
Kotlin creates better Android apps with high code quality and a short development cycle. It has lower development costs than other common languages.
App developers can conveniently modify the code with the help of Kotlin features. They can also catch errors and minor bugs while developing a business app. The Kotlin language can reduce the number of app development failures and crashes. It can also reduce the cost of development and provide continuous support and maintenance.
Easy integration with third-party libraries and frameworks
One of the major benefits of the Kotlin language is its easy integration with third-party libraries and frameworks. It can support multiple frameworks and platforms, such as Retrofit and Dagger.
The Kotlin programming language is easy for developers to use when developing different apps. It is suitable for both beginners and experienced app developers.
Kotlin is the most popular programming language in the world. Experienced Android developers and beginners widely use it. It has amazing features and functions to develop an excellent app with the best features. From a low development cost to integrity with different frameworks, Kotlin is a great tool for everyone. Many businesses and companies leverage this programming language to develop Android applications. One of the standout features of this language is its robust customer support coupled with an extensive collection of libraries, which make debugging applications considerably easier and more efficient.
Due to its lower complexity compared to other languages and the superior features it offers, Kotlin is poised for a very promising future in the tech landscape. Its user-friendly attributes and powerful capabilities make it increasingly appealing to larger enterprises and small and medium-sized businesses. As the demand for innovative mobile applications continues to grow, Kotlin will likely see widespread adoption in these sectors as it recognizes its potential for streamlining development and enhancing app performance.